Thursday, November 4, 2010

Week 3 Observation

This week I didn't plan to take any pictures, but I found some interesting activity in my MicroAquarium when I observed it on Wednesday, November 3.  First, I noticed that there were a lot of dead seed shrimp inside the bladders of the Utricularia giba bladder.  Then, I found that there was a live cyclops trapped inside one of the bladders.  When I first began observing the cyclops, it was moving rather frantically around the bladder, but by the time I started video taping, it had settled down.  In the video, you can see it kick its legs and then be still again.  I was also able to video tape some other cypcloses and some trachyosomas swimming in the area around the bladder.  Unfortunately, my video editing skills are not very good, but if I have a chance later, I will try again to improve the video quality.

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